Friday, March 23, 2012

“The Hunger Games” or can you say perfect?

Wow! That was wonderful.  This is exactly what a book adaptation should be!  I was really concerned about how this would turn out.  I am a huge fan of the books, and after the  “John Carter” fiasco I have to admit I was pretty nervous.  But this movie knocked it out of the park for me. Unlike the horrible “John Carter” adaptation, where the screenwriter apparently, (and mistakenly) thought he was a better plot writer than the original author (he wasn’t) and completely reworked the story in a way that was not an improvement, “The Hunger Games” was beautifully adapted.  It probably helped that the author Suzanne Collins worked on the screenplay with the director Gary Ross.  The result is a wonderful and accurate translation of the book to film.

The casting also played a big part in the success of this film.  Jennifer Lawrence was perfect in the lead role of Katniss Everdeen.  I was afraid that Josh Hutcherson, known for the “Journey to the Center of the Earth” and ”Cirque du Freak” would be too Disney for this role but he did a very solid and believable job as Peeta. 

Gary Ross captured the essence of the book very well.  Although some small characters were left out (I would bet because of time restraints) all of the major plot points were in place and even most of the small details.  Ross was not afraid to let the audience infer what was happening, especially in the flashbacks.  He did not try to over explain. He apparently understands that we are sophisticated movie viewers and can understand these ideas without heavy handed, over direction and that it was not necessary to explain Kat’s internal confusion about her relationship with Peeta, we understood.

I have to admit; this movie left me hungry for more, if you will pardon the pun.  Now I can’t wait to see “Catching Fire” brought to the screen.   I was totally drawn into the world of Katniss.  The long running time did not even matter.  It moved by so quickly I did not realize that two and a half hours had passed.  I just left me wanting more.  Well Done!!

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