Friday, September 23, 2011

“Bridesmaids” or how bad is too bad?

Wow…..I don’t know what to say, that may have been one of the worst movies ever;  not funny, not charming, not good. While it is true that I like bad movies, this is just bad/bad.

A great bad movie is bad/funny or bad/cheesy or bad/stupid; this wasn’t any of those things, it was just dull. Dull, dull, dull.  The story - lame, the acting – flat, the dialog – unsparkling, the jokes – unfunny.  This movie had some pretty solid performers, but it sucked any remnant of talent from all of them. 

Even the title is misleading, this was not an ensemble piece, it was all about one character played by Kristen Wiig who also wrote the movie.  From this outing my perception is that she sucks.  The dialog lacked wit, and the performance lacked charm.  You don’t care about her sad life or her stupid behavior; you just wish it would end, sooner rather than later.  Two hours of my life I can never get back.  ; P

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